住房 & 居住生活


Living in a community environment may be new to some students. 作为一名校内住校学生, you live in a community which is composed of many people with diverse backgrounds, 利益, 担忧, 意见, 和标准. In order to make this kind of community livable, 安全, 令人愉快的, and conducive to academic pursuits, a set of standards which defines what is acceptable behavior is necessary. It is important for all residents to be aware of and follow the policies established by the University, 住房 & 居住生活, and the residents of the building.

General Standards of Behavior

的 overriding goal of the residence life program is to develop communities within the residence halls which foster informal learning. 的 most crucial factor in this effort is the human element – responsible members of the community. As members of this community, students are given certain rights, 特权, 有了这些, 责任.

Students residing in the residence hall setting will be living in a community that is composed of many people with diverse backgrounds, 利益, 担忧, 意见, 和标准. In order to make this kind of community livable, 令人愉快的, and conducive to academic pursuits, a set of standards which defines what is and what is not acceptable behavior is necessary.


Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by all the policies of the residence hall system and the 澳门在线赌城娱乐.

Students are expected to take an active role in monitoring behavior that occurs in the residence hall community. It is a student’s responsibility to confront others who are violating hall policies and/or to report such violations to the residence hall staff.

Students are expected to cooperate with requests from staff members when they are acting in their official capacity within the University structure. A notification to see a staff member must be honored.

Students are not to misrepresent or misuse their student identification or fail to show their student identification card upon the request of a staff member.


Members of a University Residence Hall Community share certain goals, some of which include academic accomplishment, 友谊, 还有归属感.

住在校园里, it is essential that individuals respect the rights of their fellow residents, including the right to privacy, 财产, 研究, 和休息, and have equal opportunity to share facilities common to all. Only by respecting others’ rights can you expect to have your own rights respected.

它紧随其后, that the spirit of on-campus life is one of mutual respect and cooperation, with each resident having the right and the obligation not only to be responsible but also to remind fellow residents of their 责任 should their behavior depart from reasonable standards.

的 澳大宿舍手册 contains some guidelines and policies for community living. Residents are also bound by the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 Student Code of Conduct published in the student handbook 羽翼未丰的, and by the laws of the State of Alabama.

It would be impossible to outline every facet of residence life, therefore a spirit of common courtesy and respect for others should be maintained at all times.


的 students and staff of the residence halls of the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 are a multicultural community of individuals. 的y are of diverse racial, ethnic, class backgrounds, and 国家的起源s.

的ir views encompass a broad spectrum of religious and political beliefs, and their 性取向s differ. 的y are unique in that they strive to work and live together, 在这个过程中, learn from one another in an atmosphere of positive contact and mutual respect.

All members are committed to behaving, and expect others to behave, in ways that demonstrate beliefs about the respectful treatment of each member of the community.

All members of the community are individually and collectively responsible for their behavior and are fully accountable for their actions. Members should take initiative and responsibility for learning, and maintain an awareness of the differences that exist in the community in order to avoid actions that diminish others.

Bigotry has no place within the community, nor does the right to denigrate another human being on the basis of age, 物理的挑战, 国家的起源, 性取向, 比赛, 性别, 或者宗教信仰. Everyone who works and lives in the residence hall community must be committed to these principles which are an integral part of the community’s purpose, 值, 以及日常活动.


住房 & 居住生活 will not tolerate verbal or written abuse, 威胁, 恐吓, 暴力, or other forms of harassment against any member of the community. Incidents of harassment should be reported to residence hall staff and to the University Police.

If you engage in harassment or physically assault another resident, your 住房 assignment can be terminated. 的 University will not accept ignorance, 愤怒, 酒精, or substance abuse as an excuse, reason or rationale for such behavior.